Цены, акции, скидки
Акции и скидки в году
Режим работыАдресУточненная информация об основных видах деятельности - на проекте . Адрес деятельности: Нукус, Узбекистан График: Сайт |
Различные темы отзывов: Посетители оставили отзывы, что нравится или не нравится, все ли хорошо по отношению к ним.
Побывали в HOTEL ART по адресу Нукус, Узбекистан - сравнили и посоветуем посетить.
Уволился с работы - сотрудник советует при приеме на работу.
Simply the kindest hotel owners we've met. We were explaining that we needed to leave at 2am to catch a train and the owner insisted that he make us breakfast before we leave. Wow. Other than that the hotel is lovely, has your basic needs.... Quite comfortable beds, amazing and much needed ac and very very spacious room. Clean. Amazing price and again just the kindness of these can't have a price! Would recommend a million times
From when we first arrived to the last day we spent here it was superb. The staff are so helpful and kind. We were offered endless amounts of tea and food, can’t belive how geneous they’ve been to us. I would highly recommend this place you won’t be disappointed!
Simply the kindest hotel owners we've met. We were explaining that we needed to leave at 2am to catch a train and the owner insisted that he make us breakfast before we leave. Wow. Other than that the hotel is lovely, has your basic needs.... Quite comfortable beds, amazing and much needed ac and very very spacious room. Clean. Amazing price and again just the kindness of these can't have a price! Would recommend a million times
From when we first arrived to the last day we spent here it was superb. The staff are so helpful and kind. We were offered endless amounts of tea and food, can’t belive how geneous they’ve been to us. I would highly recommend this place you won’t be disappointed!
Еще компании в каталоге
Фирменный магазин "ARTEL"
Нукус, Узбекистан
Tumaris Market
22-й микрорайон, Нукус, Узбекистан
Нукус, Узбекистан
Рес. Больница им. Халмуратова
Нукус, Узбекистан
Kafe Alpamis
Turtkul Prospekt, Nukus, Узбекистан
Вопросы о работе HOTEL ART
Какой номер телефона?
Общий номер телефона: +998 61 222 46 46.
Какой график работы в году?
График работы HOTEL ART в году
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